To my two little miracles

For my two little boys

You have taken my world and given it a miraculous new beginning. You have filled my heart fuller than anyone could ever imagine – the thought of you both is more than I can wrap my head around. You have unknowingly sculpted me into someone I didn’t even know existed. You have truly made me fall so deeply in love with you and I can’t even begin to imagine my life with out you both.

My promises I vow to keep ..

The world is a cruel place, but I promise to protect you from the evil and raise you with the strength & courage you need. I want to give you the world and I promise I will do whatever it takes to give you just that. I promise to start each morning and end each night reminding you how much I love and adore you. I promise to never turn my back on you, no matter what life to may bring – I will always be there helping you find your way. When you’re down I will always be there to pick you back up, I promise to be your cushion and never let you completely fall. I promise to make sure your Dad moulds you into kind hearted men that the world truly needs, but also let you be free & grow up into who you want to be.

We promise to steer you into the path of success, but never give up on you when you fail. We promise to fill your lives with everlasting happiness and createendless memories you’ll never forget. We promise to give you opportunities we never got and to not only be your parents, but to forever be your best friends. We promise nothing else will matter more in this world than each of you, and we promise to never let you forget that. We promise to be an example of true love and respect, to always be a family and to never break our promises. We promise we will always take care of you, young and old – we will always welcome you into our home and keep you safe.

We promise to keep making promises to you and change your worlds in ways you’ve changed ours.

I count down the days until we finally get to meet you both. I’m constantly wondering what you’ll both look like, what colour will your eyes be? Will your nose match the cute little button noses from the hundreds of ultrasound pictures we’ve collected? It truly doesn’t matter because my love for you could never change. I can’t wait to watch you both grow up. To see if your personalities are the same or different, to watch you strive to become someone in life. To me you’re already perfect & you always will be. I guess I’m biased.

People keep reminding me of the sleepless nights to come but to be honest I can’t wait to be the one to calm and comfort you. To remind you I’m here to forever take care of you. To look you in the eyes and whisper

” shh it’s okay, mommy’s here.”

To me sleepless night are worth all of that. I dream of the day your both in my arms, happy and healthy. I don’t think my heart can grow any bigger but I know I’m that moment it will truly explode.

I can’t wait for all our adventures as a family and the memories we are going to create. From the camping trips, birthday parties, movie nights, road trips – to the moments I have to close my eyes because your Dad hands you dirt bikes and turns my innocent boys into dare devils. I can’t wait for it all. The good the bad the ugly, I just can’t wait to become a family – to hear you call me Mom and to look up to your Dad.

Thank you for changing my life and giving me the miracle of loving not one, but two of you. I can’t imagine anything in the world I’d want more. The count down is still on and until that very day I will continue to nurture you. I will continue to hold each movement you make close to my heart, constantly reminding me you’re okay. I will continue to love you and connect with you each and everyday.

You have both already made my world so perfect, I can’t wait to meet you.

Loving you from now until the end of time, forever my miracles.

Love, mommy

5 thoughts on “To my two little miracles

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  1. I teared up Britt you will be a great mommy and Steve will be an awesome daddy
    I can’t wait to be their nana or grandma whatever they want to call me and of course I will spoil them as much as I can 😘
    Love you guys with all my heart ❤️❤️❤️❤️


  2. Beautiful Peanut. You are going to be a wonderful, caring and loving mommy. Your whole world will change for the better. Your little miracles will bring you more happiness and love then your heart can hold. I can’t wait to meet them too. ❤


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