
Family means a million different things to a million different people, what does family mean to you ?

The dictionary defines family as,

1 a group consisting of parents and children living together in a household.

2 a group of people related to one another by blood or marriage.

My definition of family has changed many times over the years. For me it’s been a matter of what I had, what I knew, what I wish I had, what I knew I could never have and what I created.

I believe that family is something that needs to truly be created. And I’m not talking about you magical became a parent or a brother, sister – uncle or whatever the relation may be. I’m talking about CREATED, as in creating a bond. Creating something amazing that you can’t get just anywhere. Something so real that you don’t want to live without it.

A relationship, connection and love so powerful that nothing can break it.

An internal “will” to do everything and anything for those individuals no matter the sacrifices.

That’s just the starting definition of what family means to me.

My family defines me. It makes me who I am. It makes me want to be better than who I was yesterday. It gives me life and a purpose.

My family is my tribe, kind of like my ride or die”. My every heartbeat and the greatest example of love. The ups and downs, that what makes us who we are. If one of us gets knocked down, the others are right there to pick us back up. We’re a team. We’re best friends. We’re one.

My family is my greatest accomplishment and will continue to be my biggest dream.

They are the people that mean the absolute world to me and today I wouldn’t want my definition of family to be any other way. They are my whole heart.

Family isn’t always just something you’re handed or something you “fell into”.

Family is something you can create into something so big and so real. I hope that whatever family means to you, it holds an especially strong place somewhere in your heart.

Steve’s been home the past three weeks as we welcomed the two little dudes into our family. Together we’ve shared some worst moments and some of the greatest moments. I couldn’t imagine these last few weeks without him. He’s making the new family additions possible.

Tomorrow he returns to work and as much as I know he’ll miss all the crying and diaper changes, I know he will miss the endless cuddles more. He’s never complained once about having to return to work in order for us to comfortably live while I stay at home with the boys. Without him my dreams of a family wouldn’t have come true. He makes it possible – and for that, I am forever great full for him and all that he does.

My heart breaks that we don’t get to spend everyday all day with him but we will be right here waiting for daddy to get home. Thank you for giving me the most incredible family and thank you for making everyday possible. We love you more than you’ll ever know.

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